Sunday, 27 February 2011

The First Week

A week has passed and I’m enjoying my life here… and quite happy working here at PPS... And I can’t make a data and analysis what’s wrong and what’s problem here but from what I know, I love working here…. So far and hope this feeling will continue and will not die…

Just imagine, at 8am into the office, went home at 5pm...  Then breakfast break at 10am to 11 am... Lunch at 1pm to 2pm... So there are many hours to enjoy and to breathe the air outside office... so the gap gives me the precious time to get out from my work or in simple language, release the pressure from work... is there too much pressure for me at there...? Nope, nothing to compare than last job...

Live as a traveler had me to save my budget... working far away from my family had me to always remember to cut my budget for meals and for things that do not have to... but as always, I’m a person who does not know how to save money... if there any money in sight, so I’m started to be a person with a big appetite... buy this and buy that... when the times come, ready to eat normal bread, and meggi... pathetic...

So for a beginning, I pleased to work here, and this is a starting point for a big step... I know I can achieve better than this and the times will surely come... the time will tell everything...

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